I recently read an article which stated that the background of a picture is as important (or perhaps more) than the subject itself. So when I received this lovely bouquet of roses, I decided to experiment with backgrounds and started with plain backgrounds of different colors. My daughter's collection of construction papers came in handy. I like all the pictures below, but if I were to pick, I will pick the one with blue background. However the choice varies with individuals and also for an individual it may vary depending on the mood she/he is in. I am sure there is some behavioral sciences research looking into this.
Then I went on to experiement with few other colors with some textures. The textures do make a difference, provided they are not distracting.
Continuing with me experiment, how about one with no background and of course how about capturing roses in their natural surroundings.
Conclusion, the best view of a rose is in its natural context.